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February 2024 Provider News

Date: 02/27/24

In this issue: 

  • Provider Alert - Change Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident
  • General Updates - New CMS Provider Types as of 1/1/2024, NEW FAQ from the HCA – How to Enroll a NPI, Release of ASAM Criteria, 4th edition and public comment on adolescent framework, New Service Encounter Reporting Instructions (SERI) interim guidance available, 6 Degrees Health – New Clean Claim Vendor Effective 1-2-24 (ALL LOBs), Wellcare QRG
  • Quality - Health Equity Accreditation (HEA), Annual Wellness Visits (AWV)
  • Tribal - Monthly Claims denial outreach change
  • Clinical Policy - Monthly Updates
  • Apple Health Core Connections - Initial Health Screens: Requirement Change
  • Training/Education - March Training Offerings


Provider Alert

Change Healthcare Cybersecurity Incident and Its Impact to Coordinated Care of Washington

On February 21, Change Healthcare, a software and data analytics subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group’s Optum unit, experienced a cybersecurity incident that has impacted its network and operations. The cybersecurity incident has created a service disruption impacting Coordinated Care’s members and provider network in several ways.

As of now, Change Healthcare has not provided a timeline for resolution. To protect our members and providers we, Coordinated Care, fully disconnected system access to and from Change Healthcare on Feb. 21. We are working on multiple solutions to restore provider functionality and ensure continuity of care for our members. We will continue to provide updates as this situation evolves.

Electronic Claim Submission

The ability to electronically submit claims to Coordinated Care through Change Healthcare is currently down. Providers can easily submit electronic claims to Coordinated Care via many alternative methods including other claims clearinghouses, our secure provider portal or mail. Our preferred clearinghouse for electronic claims submission is Availity. To enroll, please visit the Availity Essentials Portal Registration page and/or call Availity Client Services at 1-800-AVAILITY (1-800-282-4548). For step-by-step instructions for Availity, visit the resource page on our parent company, Centene’s, website. Additional information on claims submission can be found in our Provider Manual located on our website.

Reimbursement via Paper Check and Virtual Credit Card (VCC)

Some paper check and virtual credit card payment processes for Coordinated Care have been disrupted due to this incident. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. Please know we are working quickly to implement a new process to ensure payments are operational as soon as possible. An alternate way to speed up your payment process is to set up an automated clearing house (ACH) for electronic funds transfer (EFT). Coordinated Care’s preferred ACH/EFT partner, PaySpan (now part of Zelis), has offered to help expedite the sign-up process for providers by calling 1-877-331-7154 or visiting PaySpan.

Chart Retrieval

Change Healthcare performs retrieval of medical records for several of our programs, such as HEDIS® and Risk Adjustment. You may have received a request via phone or fax from Change Healthcare on behalf of Coordinated Care, where you either scheduled appointments or provided medical records. Change Healthcare is unable to honor any fulfillment requests at this time; however, we will be employing two of our existing medical record retrieval vendors, Datavant (formerly Ciox) and Datafied, to satisfy these prior commitments.

These retrievals are required to report on clinical quality measures and diagnosis data to Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). We ask that you please honor the same commitment dates for these vendors, even if you have already committed to providing medical records to Change Healthcare. If you have provided medical records from the time period of Feb. 19, 2023 to current, you may be asked to provide these medical records again.

Thank you for your patience and partnership as we navigate this situation. We apologize for any inconvenience in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact your Provider Engagement representative or our Provider Services team at 1-877-644-4613 or visit Centene's Change Healthcare Outage Overview.

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General Updates

New CMS Provider Types as of 1/1/2024

As of 1/1/2024 CMS implemented 2 new provider types:

  1. Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT)
  2. Mental Health Counselor (MHC)

These providers may now enroll as Medicare Providers with CMS and can contract with our Medicare Advantage product Wellcare. Please contact: for more information and for contracting.

NEW FAQ from the HCA – How to Enroll a NPI

The Washington State Health Care Authority has published a NEW FAQ – How to enroll a National Provider Identifier (NPI) with Health Care Authority.

Release of ASAM Criteria, 4th edition and public comment on adolescent framework

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has recently released the 4th edition of their criteria. This edition, focused on adults, includes substantial changes aimed at improving the guidelines for placement, continued stay, and transfer/discharge of individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) and co-occurring conditions.

Assessment and Treatment Planning considerations for adolescents and transition age youth writing period is scheduled for 2024. The State of Washington will determine the official transition process to the new ASAM criteria with the transition being planned between January and July of 2025. A more definite schedule is forthcoming. As a part of this transition, Health Care Authority (HCA) is actively developing a comprehensive plan that will include training for the updated 4th edition of the ASAM criteria. More information about the transition plan and training sessions will be communicated in the coming months through GovDelivery.

New Service Encounter Reporting Instructions (SERI) interim guidance available

After internal HCA and collaboration with MCO and BH-ASO partners during the December 18, 2023, SERI work group, it was determined there were modifiers which are not appropriate listed in the Crisis Services section (pages 15-18) for specific Crisis Intervention and Crisis Stabilization codes.

Interim Guidance can be found here.

6 Degrees Health – New Clean Claim Vendor Effective 6-1-24 (ALL LOBs)

Coordinated Care is pleased to share that we will be transitioning from Optum to 6 Degrees Health for our clean claim reviews. The Go-Live launch is tentatively set for June 1, 2024.

This transition will be seamless for our provider community and reflects our ongoing efforts to make it easier to do business with Coordinated Care. 6 Degrees Health offers providers the ability to submit records via mail, fax or electronically (by email). You will begin seeing record request correspondence from 6 Degrees Heath and we will provide additional information regarding the transition closer to the go-live date.

Wellcare Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

We have a new Quick Reference Guide (QRG) showing the vendor changes to National Imaging Associates. The new QRG is located on the Wellcare Provider Portal here.

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Medicaid Quality

Health Equity Accreditation (HEA)

We are excited to announce that Coordinated Care has obtained Health Equity Accreditation (HEA) on both Medicaid and Marketplace lines of business.

What Is Health Equity Accreditation?

The NCQA defines health equity accreditation as “the foundation of health equity work building an internal culture that supports the organization's external health equity work” through programs by:

  • Identifying opportunities to reduce health inequities and improve care.
  • Improving data collection and analysis of disparities in care to guide actions to address gaps.
  • Collecting data that helps the organization create and offer language services.

Coordinated Care understands that health equity can only exist when all people have access to the same opportunities to attain their full physical and behavioral health and well-being, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, age, cultural characteristics, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, geography, language, or any other social barriers.

Lead Poisoning Screening - EPSDT

All children 12 - 24 months of age should be tested for the risk of lead poisoning. This testing is a Federally mandated preventative health benefit.

For more information, please visit the Department of Health’s website.

Asthma and 90 Day Refills

Moving members with asthma to 90-day refills may increase their medication adherence.

Coordinated Care provides members with 90-day supplies through our preferred mail order pharmacy, CVS Caremark, or any contracted pharmacy.

Wellcare Quality

Annual Wellness Visits

Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) are an opportunity to close clinical HEDIS measure gaps, establish or strengthen your Provider/Patient rapport and most importantly provide quality health care including early detection to save lives. The AWV helps develop or update a Personalized Prevention Plan (PPP) and perform a Health Risk Assessment (HRA).

Helpful resources for Annual Wellness Visits can be found here.

CMS website Medicare Learning Network documents 12 defined components of the First Annual Wellness Visit and subsequent Annual Wellness Visits having 11 components. Preparing eligible Patients for the AWV can include encouraging them to bring to their appointment at a minimum:

  • Medical records, including immunization records
  • Detailed family health history
  • Full list of medications and supplements, including calcium and vitamins, and how often and how much of each they take
  • Full list of current providers and suppliers involved in their care, including community-based providers (for example, personal care, adult day care, and home-delivered meals), and behavioral health specialists

Important resources.

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Tribal Updates

Monthly Tribal claims outreach reporting change- Medicaid claims only

There has been a change in the timelines in which IHCP's will receive their monthly report for denial and rejection trends. Due to a change with HCA reporting, the outreach and reports will now be sent via email at the beginning of the month, rather than the end of the month, for the previous month of received claims. For example, the January claims reports will be sent the beginning of February rather than the end.

Please reach out to with any questions.

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Clinical Policy Updates

There was no regular monthly clinical policy review in January.

The below policy is new effective January 1, 2024.  You will find the policy posted on the policy site. 

Policy NumberPolicy TitleLine of Business


Intensive Behavioral Supportive SupervisionApple Health

The below genetic testing policies received updates as part of our twice-yearly review. Previously announced as effective January 1, these policy changes are now effective April 1, 2024. You will find the policies, including a description of the revisions, posted on the policy site.

Policy NumberPolicy TitleLine of Business


CG Aortopathies and Connective Tissue Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Cardiac Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Dermatologic Conditions

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Epilepsy Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Conditions

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Exome and Genome Sequencing for DX of Genetic Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Eye Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Gastroenterologic Disorders Non-cancerous

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG General Approach to Genetic Testing

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Hearing Loss

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Hematologic Conditions Non-cancerous

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Hereditary Cancer Susceptibility

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Immune Autoimmune and Rheumatoid Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Kidney Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Lung Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Metabolic Endocrine Mitochondrial Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Multisystem Inherited Disorders, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Delay



Genetic Testing Multisystem Inherited Disorders, Intellectual Disability and Developmental Delay

Apple Health


CG Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening



Genetic Testing Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)

Apple Health


CG Oncology Algorithmic Testing

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Oncology Cancer Screening

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Oncology Circulating Tumor DNA Tumor Cells Liquid Biopsy

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Oncology Cytogenetic Testing

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Oncology Molecular Analysis Solid Tumors & Hematolgic Malignancies

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Pharmacogenetics

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Prenatal and Preconception Carrier Screening

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Prenatal Diagnosis Pregnancy Loss

Apple Health & Ambetter


CG Skeletal Dysplasia Rare Bone Disorders

Apple Health & Ambetter

The below Envolve Vision policies were updated effective January 1. You will find the policies, including a description of the revisions, posted on the Envolve Vision site.  A link is available on our policy site.

Policy NumberPolicy TitleLine of Business


Adjacent Tissue Transfer / Grafts involving Eyelid

Apple Health & Ambetter


Age Related Macular Degeneration

Apple Health & Ambetter



Apple Health & Ambetter


Amniotic Membrane Placement on the Ocular Surface

Apple Health & Ambetter


Aqueous Shunt

Apple Health & Ambetter


Blepharoplasty, Ptosis Repair and Canthoplasty

Apple Health & Ambetter


Cataract Extraction

Apple Health & Ambetter


Chemodenervation of the Eyelid

Apple Health & Ambetter


Probing and Closure of the Lacrimal Duct System

Apple Health & Ambetter


Complex Cataract Extraction

Apple Health & Ambetter


Scanning Computerized Opthalmic Diagnostic Imaging

Apple Health & Ambetter


Corneal Pachymetry

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 17

Corneal Hysteresis

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 18

Corneal Topography

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 19

Destruction of Extensive or Progressive Retinopathy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 20

Destruction of Localized Lesion of Choroid

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 21

Destruction of Localized Lesion of the Retina

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 23

Dark Adaption and Color Vision Examination

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 25

Ectropion_Entropion Repair

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 26

Extended Ophthalmoscopy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 28

Fluorescein Angiography

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 29

Fundus Photography

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 31


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 32

Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 33

Infracture of the Inferior Turbinate

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 34

Iris Coloboma

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 35


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 36


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 37

Laser Iridotomy and Inferior Turbinate

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 38

Laser Trabeculoplasty

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 40

Photdynamic and Intravitreal Therapies

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 43

External Ocular Photography

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 44

Ocular Prosthesis

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 45

Ophthalmic Biometry

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 46

Visual Therapy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 48

Secondary Intraocular Lens

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 49

Recurrent Corneal Erosion, Photo Keratectomy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 52

Refractive Surgery

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 53

Prophylaxis of Retinal Detachment

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 54

Repair of Retinal Detachment

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 55

Sensorimotor Examination

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 57

Surgical Strabismus Repair

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 61

Trabeculectomy Ab Externo

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 63

Visual Field Testing

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 64


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 65

Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) Laser Capsulotomy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 66

Specular Microscopy

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 67

Ant Segment Photography, Fluorescein Angio

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 68

Ophthalmic B-Scans

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 71

Low Vision Evaluations and Aids

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 74

Serial Tonometry

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 75

Surgical Excison of Eyelid Lesions

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 76


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 77

Glaucoma Screening

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 78

Eyelid Reanimation

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 80

Ocular Surface Reconstruction

Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 86


Apple Health & Ambetter

CP.VP 88

Teleretinal Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy

Apple Health & Ambetter

The below policies were previously announced as revised on the date noted. You will find the policies posted on the policy site.

Policy NumberPolicy TitleEffective DateLine of Business


Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and Orthotics and Prosthetics Guidelines3/1/24Apple Health & Ambetter
CP.MP.186Burn Surgery5/1/24Apple Health & Ambetter

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Apple Health Core Connections (AHCC)

Prior to the passage of HB 1227 that went into effect on July 1, 2023, all youth in foster care were required to receive an Initial Health Screen within the first five days of entering foster care. With the new legislation, Initial Health Screens are no longer required for all children entering foster care.

New Requirements: Caseworkers are instructed to identify whether children and youth have any health care needs.

  • If children/youth have an emergent health care need, they must be taken to urgent care or the emergency department immediately to be evaluated.
  • If they have a non-emergent illness, chronic health issue, injury, or health concern, the child/youth must receive an Initial Health Screen within the first five days of enter out-of-home care.
  • If there are no known medical needs, an Initial Health Screen does not need to occur.

All children in foster care must still have an EPSDT completed within the first 30 days of entering out-of-home care. As a reminder, providers should use the TJ Modifier to receive a higher payment for conducting the EPSDT for youth in foster care.

For questions, please contact

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Deep dive into prevention ethics: Integrity and the SPF: Six interactive virtual sessions, focusing on taking a deep dive into the principles of the Code of Ethics for Prevention Specialists and special focus on how these principles apply when implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). Each session will focus on a different principle. After a short presentation, participants will work together in small groups to look at how that principle can be applied by our prevention workforce while implementing the SPF. Thursday March 7th 7:30 AM - 9 AM Register here.

Substance Use and Other Risk Factors for Gun Violence: Prevention and Intervention Strategies This presentation focuses on the intersection of adolescent substance use and gun violence in metropolitan, suburban, and rural communities. Along with substance use, 15 additional risk factors for gun violence will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed upon protective factors which help buffer the impact of risk factors. Tuesday March 12th 8 AM - 9:30AM Register here.

Catalyst for Change Webinar Series: Centering Health Equity in Value-based Care Join the Foundation for Health Care Quality in collaboration with Washington Health Alliance and Comagine Health to kick off the first webinar of a three-part series on Catalyst for Change, focused on health equity in a value-based era! Wednesday March 6th 12 PM - 1:30 PM Register here.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Immigrants This webinar will provide an overview of the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ immigrant communities in the United States. Historically, the United States has been a beacon for immigrants. The untold narratives of LGBTQ+ immigrants are least known about. There are an estimated 904,000 LGBTQ+ immigrants in the United States, which means that more than one in ten LGBTQ adults are immigrants. Using an Indigenized framework this webinar will share knowledge to assist providers think through culturally responsive best practices when providing services to LGBTQ+ immigrants. This webinar will also share information on how to support LGBTQ+ immigrants in their own communities, as well as ways to address the barriers they face in accessing and receiving care. Tuesday March 5th 11 AM - 12 Register here.

TALK: Toolkit for Adolescent Care This toolkit supports primary care clinicians in provider their adolescent patients with high-quality preventive care that addresses psychosocial and sexual health topics, including three components: 1) Training for clinicians in communication strategies for addressing sensitive topics; 2) Resources for clinicians such as 1-page conversation starters on 12 different topics; 3) Standardizing adolescent-friendly clinic practices. Learn more here.

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